On our backs and in our hearts. The story of the Immortal Guardians MC Patch
The Immortal Guardians Motorcycle Club patch was designed by Ursula Gray, one of the founding members of the club and our National First Lady. The patch is based on the Chinese Guardian lions (also referred to as Foo Lions), which are a symbol of power and protection. They are meant to protect your home from negative energy and those with bad intentions and serve as a reminder to keep negative energy and influences away from your home and family.
The Guardian Lions are always found in pairs, one male and one female, to signify harmony and completeness. This is to keep the balance, the Yin and the Yang. The female and male complement each other.
The female protects everything and everyone inside the home. She is the Yin. She represents compassion and support. The male is the Yang. He is protector of the building itself. He is power and supremacy.
To see an example of the Guardian Lions, a visit to Nan Hua Temple just outside of Bronkhorstspruit is well worth your time.
The Immortal Guardians MC never chase membership numbers and believe that the quality of its members is more important than the quantity of members, hence not just anyone will be able to earn the patch.
Prospective Members are encouraged to thoroughly soul search and consider their reason for wanting to join. Each member understands what earning a patch means, and understands the weight that the patch carries.
The full patch is only awarded after having successfully completed a prospecting period. This is why each Immortal Guardians MC member wears the full colors with pride, since it makes you part of a family, not just a club. It is a symbol of who we are and what we stand for.