What does the 976697 / IGFFIG mean?
The numbers correspond to the letters of the alphabet (9=I, 7=G, 6=F etc). It stands for Immortal Guardians Forever / Forever Immortal Guardians
Are you an Outlaw or 1%’er club?
No we are not, but we are a strict MC, meaning the rules of Old School biking are part of our core values. These values are Loyalty, Respect, Trust, Honesty, Charity, Courtesy, Honor and Integrity. We don’t allow drama or bullshit in the club and loyalty means everything! To read more about the Immortal Guardians MC values, click here
What kind of bikes do you allow in the club?
Any roadworthy motorcycle of at least 600cc. We are not limited to specific types of motorcycles, some members prefer speed bikes, while other members might prefer cruisers or other types of motorcycles.
Why would anyone want to join a Motorcycle Club?
One word, Family. Members in a proper Motorcycle Club often become closer to each other than to their own family. It’s about having people who are there for you at 3am if your bike breaks down or you need help. That said, being part of an MC is not for everyone, people who ride as part of a club aren’t better than riders who don’t. It’s just a different choice of lifestyle.
How can I become a member?
As with any proper Motorcycle Club, becoming a member involves various stages of being a Hang Around, Prospecting and only then becoming a full patch member. Anyone is welcome to join us at open rides and events to meet up with some of our Chapters, see what the members are like and find out more. You are also welcome to contact us so that we can put you in touch with a Chapter president who can let you know when there are upcoming rides and events. If you are then interested, the Chapter President will give you more details. For more details about the different membership levels, click here. For more information on upcoming Rides and Events, click here.
How long does it take to become a member after you become a prospect?
Prospecting is a minimum of 6 months, but becoming a full patch member takes as long as it needs to. Being a prospect doesn’t guarantee that you will become a full patch member, in the Immortal Guardians, quality of members is more important than the quantity of members.
Can I join any Chapter?
Typically people will want to join the Chapter closest to them, since being part of a Chapter means you will have to take part in certain compulsory rides, meetings and events. The various Chapters however do each have their own unique character and way of doing things, so while someone may fit into one Chapter, they may not be comfortable in another Chapter.
Where do you have Chapters?
We have Chapters in Gauteng, Mpumalanga, North-West, Kwazulu-Natal, Limpopo and the Eastern Cape. We do not have any International Chapters. For a list of all the active Chapters, click here
Do you allow women in the club?
Yes we do. We have several full patch female riding members, as well as pillion members. In keeping with International Motorcycle Club standards, only the men wear the MC (Motorcycle Club) patch on their cuts, while women wear LF / RF on their cuts (which stands for Live Free / Ride Free)
I've heard that riding a motorcycle or joining an MC is a great way to pick up women. Is that true?
You are more than welcome to come to one of our meetings, try that with some of our women riders/members, and see what happens (medical expenses will be for your own account)
Are you part of any of the South African biking councils or affiliated with any other South African Motorcycle clubs?
No we are not. While we support the various councils, we are a National Club with Chapters spread across South Africa, so the various Immortal Guardians MC Chapters are controlled by the National Chapter and National Executive Council. The same goes for affiliation with other Clubs. We are not affiliated with any other Motorcycle Clubs, but we believe in showing respect to all clubs and strongly believe in supporting those who support us.
Can I buy Immortal Guardians MC supporter gear?
Not yet. It is something we are looking into.